Here’s a book I did of my mother in law’s handwritten recipe cards.
Just one more way to save a legacy for future generations. The grandchildren even got a copy on CD inside the back cover!
These recipes are the ones found in the large recipe drawer of Irene Kenney’s kitchen in Sturbridge, MA in 2014. This represents only the recipes in her own handwriting. Many others from magazines and other collections were also there. As best as possible, they are in the order Irene filed them for her reference. Duplicates were removed and although many of these come from other sources, if they were handwritten, they held some value to the one who fed so many for so long. Irene would tell you herself that she could not cook when she married Joseph Kenney in 1952. Her children and grandchildren will tell you that she practiced a great deal and became an expert at several recipes. This book is compiled in her memory for her children and grandchildren that Irene’s love of cooking and the important part the family meal held for her in family life might continue to be part of her descendant’s families for many years.
Vena’s Roots I’m Well Fed Letters to Italy Kenney/Ivankevich