Genealogy – Start, Organize, Research, and Write YOUR Family History!
Genealogy has become much more popular with the ease of finding information on the Internet, but far from everything for your family history is on the Internet! Starting with the forms common in genealogical research, we will explore research techniques, census reports, researching at repositories, internet research, organizing and writing in order to help you create a lasting family heirloom! This class will have something for both the beginning and experienced family researcher. (Six 90 minute sessions)
3R’s of Genealogy – Records, Research and Regulations!
If you have already started your family history research, here’s a local chance to learn more about records, research, and regulations as we discuss Deeds, Published Genealogies, Resources, Geography, Immigration and your own legacy! This class will have something for both the novice and experienced family researcher. (Six 90 minute sessions)
DNA for Genealogical Research
DNA is not the magic potion for your family history, but it can unlock opportunities you would not otherwise find to connect with family members and exchange research and knowledge about shared ancestors. These six sessions will cover the Science and the Art of DNA – all 3 tests, 5 companies, ethnicity estimates, turning matches into cousins & cousins into ancestors, chromosome mapping, and more! (Six 90 minute sessions)
Writing Your Family History
Review genealogical research methods and learn to document your family history using personal materials, census reports, newspapers and other historical documents. We will work on exercises to help you create a family history to be published and discuss other methods for sharing your research results – the stories! (Six 2 hour sessions)
Guided Autobiography
Guided Autobiography (GAB) is a method for helping people document their life stories. Guided by a trained instructor, participants are led through themes and priming questions that evoke memories of events once known but filed away and seemingly forgotten. Each participant writes a story on a particular theme each week, brings the story to class and reads it to a small group of receptive classmates. Writing and sharing life stories with others is an ideal way to find new meaning in life and to put life events into perspective. (Ten 2 hour sessions)