I learned that it’s important to give to the Genealogical Community in whatever way one can – either on-line or in person. These are ways that I give to the Genealogical Community and pave the way for future genealogists and family historians.
Serve as an officer in a Society –
- President of Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc.
- Director for New England Regional Genealogical Consortium
- Treasurer of New England Chapter of Association of Professional Genealogists
- NERGC Delegate for Maine Genealogical Society
- Secretary for Upton Historical Society
Volunteer –
- Tri-Chair for 2021 NERGC Conference
- Genealogical Clinic for Upton Historical Society
Projects –
- Index of Genealogical Material for the Upton Historical Society (2019)
- Before computers, genealogical research was done by writing letters. The Upton Historical Society had a volunteer who handled those requests. Her name was Carol. Her work was in many areas of the organization’s space and difficult for volunteer staff to navigate. It is now neatly organized, with duplicates removed, and indexed for both staff and researchers to quickly find items about a particular family or family member. And this is not just for people who were born or died in Upton. Carol’s research often looked into many surrounding towns as she calmed inquiring minds.